C# Abstract Factory Design Pattern With Code Example

Chee Hou
8 min readFeb 17, 2022


I came across the Abstract Factory Design Pattern a few weeks ago, after days of study I think I managed to grasp the concept of this design pattern. So I decided to share some learning experiences about it. First, I will show examples code of “before and after” applying the design pattern. I will use Interface and abstract class separately to achieve the goal, and finally I will write some ‘Nested Abstract Factory’ code for some fun experiment . Please feel free to leave your comment to correct me , or let me know if you possess any new idea about my code. Thanks.

Without Abstract Factory
I’m using the furniture as an example. The furniture is categorized by design, which are Classic, Contemporary, and Scandinavian. The furniture itself has 3 different objects, which are Cabinet, Chair and Dining Table, so there will be 9 different combinations, as the table below shows.

When the console program of furniture creation run, it will look something like this:

For code design, each piece of furniture will have its own class, for example, a cabinet belongs to classic design, I will name it ClassicCabinet. Each cabinet has two methods. FurnitureFunction() is to show the function of the furniture, function of all cabinets, regardless of design. ShowStyle() method is mean for show the design style of each furniture respectively, for this case classic cabinet will display a message “I’m a Classical cabinet”

This is the main program, I use Switch-Case to do the condition checking, and initial corresponding furniture class. As you can see, for Classic design, I have to use another Switch-Case for 3 different furniture.

Same things repeat for Contemporary and Scandinavian:

For this simple example, I already created 9 conditions, and there is only 3 furniture. Imagine if in real life a furniture shop can have like 100 different furniture and more than 3 design styles, the amount of condition will become tremendous and very difficult to maintain.

Then , the Abstract Factory came into help.

By textbook definition, Abstract Factory is a creational design pattern that lets you produce families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.

I doubt if anyone can understand any programming concept by solely looking at the definition, so I better continue to demonstrate this pattern by showing some example code .

Abstract Factory with Interface
First, for the furniture itself. Since all the furniture share the common method, so I create an Interface named IFurniture to be implemented by all furniture classes.

Second, since the furniture factory needs to produce a cabinet , chair and dining table nevertheless, I will create an Interface called IFurnitureFactory that will be implemented by a different design style factory. This factory will have 3 methods that create above mentioned furniture, the data type of IFurniture.

Enough for abstraction, let’s create some concrete. In Abstract Factory Design Pattern terminology, we will have some factory called Concrete Factory/Class that creates the real object. In this case, I have ClassicFurnitureFactory, ContemporaryFurnitureFactory, and ScandinavianFurnitureFactory. Each concrete factory creates their own category factory. For example, ClassicFurnitureFactory, it creates all Classic furniture.

One more example, ScandinavianFurnitureFactory, it creates all Scandinavian furniture.

Each furniture has its own class with its own customized message, for simplicity I show the code of ContemporaryCabinet class.

In a simple sentence to summarize my understanding of the Abstract Factory, it is Concrete Factory creates a Concrete Product, and Concrete Factory implements Abstract Factory, and Concrete Product implements Abstract Product.

If you are a diagram person, the UML class diagram will look like this: (sorry for the poor drawing, but I believe my code are pretty self explain itself for you)

We are almost done here, now for the main program.

As you can see, I don’t need to initiate the furniture (e.g. ClassicCabinet) itself, I just need to create the corresponding factory by user’s selection and store it into the variable “Factory”. “Factory” Variables can be either Classic, Contemporary or Scandinavian design, and it creates the corresponding furniture. For example, if the factory we create is from Contemporary Factory, so the chair it creates will automatically became “ContemporaryChair” object.

Abstract Factory with Abstract Class , Inheritance
Same Abstract Factory Design Pattern can be achieved by using abstract class inheritance methods.

The overall design still more or less similar.

First I created an abstract class called Furniture, it has two methods. One is a virtual method called FurnitureFunction(), another is an abstract ShowStyle. Since we know that both method will be override , I should set both method as abstract instead of virtual, but for the sake of demo I just make them different.

Another base class is FurnitureFactory, it has 3 abstract methods that must be overridden.

For the concrete factory, it is the same with the above example, we have ClassicFurnitureFactory, ContemporaryFurnitureFactory, and ScandinavianFurnitureFactory. I showed one of them, ContemporaryFactory. As you can see, this factory inherit from FurnitureFactory and override all the methods

Same thing happens to the furniture class, they inherit from the Furniture base class and override the parent method with their own.

Again, for diagram person, the UML class diagram will look like this:

The main program is the same, so I skip the code demo. You can get my full source code via Github at the end of this article.

It’s depends on design
From above 2 examples that either using interface or abstract class, my interface/base class is the design style of the furniture, and the product is furniture itself, how about if we inverse the relationship, can we creates a factory that create furniture, and the product is the design style?

I create an Interface called IStyles that will be implemented by abstract factory classes. This interface has two method, one is to show the design philosophy of each design, and another is to display the major build material for that design.

Another Interface is IStyleFactory to be implemented by the concrete classes, as you can see, our concrete product will create 3 different design respectively.

Example of one Concrete Factory class, CabinetFactory, it implements the IStyleFactory, it creates cabinet only, but will different style.

Example of one Concrete Product class, ClassicCabinet, it shows the details implementations of the logic of classic design of cabinet.

The client main code will look more or less the same as the previous example, just change the question order. The console output will look something like this.

Nested 3 Level Abstract Factory?
I read a few articles and one pdf book about the Abstract Factory for the past few days, but I never found any example with more than 2 levels. So, I decided to add one more level, try to create something like the ‘Abstract Factory of the Abstract Factory’. Just a reminder, this ‘Nested Abstract Factory’ is just some fun experiment by myself to test my understanding of the factory, please let me know if my approach is wrong or if there is a better way to do it.

I still take this furniture factory as an example, but I will add one more level of categorization called “Marketing”. That means for our furniture products, it either be Art category, or fall into commercial category. For the Art category, we will emphasize the myth or fiction about each design , tied to the furniture itself. For the commercial category, we will display the price of the furniture. (I know this might not be the good example, but just for the sake of demo please bear with my dummy example)

For simplicity (pronounced: lazy to code more repeated classes), I reduce the design and furniture to 2, then we will have 8 different products, instead of 18 (3 x 3 x 2)

Again, sorry for my poor drawing. First there are Contemporary and Scandinavian Factories , both factories will create their own Art and Commercial Factory. It is like ‘factory creates another factory’, and finally both the Art and Commercial factory will create their own furniture, will the properties be stacked. For example, if a Contemporary Factory creates an Art Factory , and an Art Factory finally creates a Chair, so the chair will have properties of their parent and grandparent, become a Contemporary Art Chair.

For a better understanding of my design, let’s have a walkthrough of my code.

First is the Interface, IFurniture is like the previous example, 2 methods to show furniture function and design style. And since we have 2 different marketing categories, and each have different methods, so I split it into two:

IArtFurniture with its own FictionOrMythStory() method, and ICommercialFurniture with its own Price() method. Our concrete product later will implement multiple interfaces.

IFurnitureFactory to standardize create chair and dining table function, IDesignFactory interface contains function to get marketing factory (Art or Commercial)

ContemporaryFactory class, this class will create the factory for Art or Commercial, based on the value passed in. Art of Commercial factory created by this class, will stack will properties of Contemporary as well. (Same thing happen for ScandinavianFactory class)

ArtFactory class, this class will create a chair or a dining table based on input. Same thing happens for CommercialFactory.

Main program, 3 switch statements to get 3 different things before creating the furniture. Logic pretty similar with the previous example, but just an extra one more level.

The console program will shows something like this:

Abstract Factory is one of the popular design patterns, I hope you enjoy my writing and can have a better understanding of this pattern. Again, please feel free to let me know if I did something wrong in this article.

Full source code of my project can be downloaded via Github.



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